Around 250 roofing professionals headed to Washington D.C. as part of a unified effort to discuss solutions with Congress on immigration, workforce shortages and other issues affecting the industry.

The 2023 Roofing Day event, coordinated by the National Roofing Contractors Association, had members from every sector of roofing represented, including contractors, consultants, manufacturers and distributors. They all took to Capitol Hill on April 19 to meet with their congressional representatives and advocate for legislative efforts that would improve business operations and alleviate labor shortages.

The event also served as a networking opportunity as like-minded roofing professionals from around the country – and even some international guests – gathered to do their part to improve the industry.

“It’s good to come out and represent roofers and the community, and we’re trying to uplift the status of roofers and how we see ourselves as an industry,” said Montey Gaisser Jr., the owner of MG Roofing in Muscle Shoals, Ala. “I think a lot of people don’t see roofing as a career path, but people that are in the industry tend to be there for life.”

Were you among those who attended, or perhaps want a peek at what the event is like? Then check out our photo gallery to view a few of the images we captured.

If you’re interested in attending next year’s event, the NRCA has already booked the next Roofing Day for April 16–17, 2024, at the Grand Hyatt Washington. With next year’s Roofing Day taking place during the presidential election, it’s sure to be an energetic and exciting event.