With school going back in session around the country, it might be time for all of us to re-learn the basics. Just like the first week of elementary school, it may benefit your roofing company to review your ABCs.

In this episode of "Dear Anna," RC Publisher Jill Bloom speaks with Anna Anderson, CEO of Art Unlimited, about how going back to the basics could lead to some new marketing opportunities for your company. This starts with what she's calling the ABCs of marketing.

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Dear Anna: What are the ABCs of Roofing Marketing?

With the school season resuming once again, now is a great time to re-learn the ABCs – that is, the ABCs of marketing. In this episode of Dear Anna, Art Unlimited CEO Anna Anderson explains some of the basics of marketing that could open up new opportunities for roofing contractors.

Marketing’s 'A' stands for authority, which deals with your company’s reputation. Part of this strategy is asking customers to leave a review of their experience with your business.

“When we say your authority is a critical component, it includes reviews, yes, but it also makes sure that you are looked at as a person of authority and a subject matter expert,” Anderson says.

Marketing’s 'B' is brand, which means everything the company does fits together. That may even include creating or revising a style guide.

“Great companies have a cohesive brand,” Anderson says. “A key component of great brands [is] consistency. They have boiled down to color uniformity, brand uniformity [and] core values [that] are consistent across all of their marketing.”

Finally, marketing’s 'C' stands for community, which is your company’s customers, as well as everyone else with whom it interacts. This can be anyone from associations to a local Chamber of Commerce.

“Who is in your local sphere of influence?” Anderson says. “Identifying your community is critical to the success of you as a business.”

Marketing all three of these concepts together can help your company succeed, Anderson says.

“When you connect to the ‘C’ and you become part of [the customers’] community, you’re more than just a service provider,” Anderson says. “You’re a name.”

Listen to the full episode here and be sure to check out our other "Dear Anna" podcasts here.