Solar Blaster Corp. announces their patent-pending Solar RIDGEblaster™ -- a solar-powered ridge attic fan that easily installs right inside the ridge opening.
One of the leading causes of attic ventilation
problems is insufficient or incorrectly installed intake ventilation. To work
efficiently an attic ventilation system must be balanced with intake and
exhaust vents.
With changes to the IRC and IBC attic
ventilation codes coming in 2012 that will improve the performance of attics
installed with a ridge vent, the time is right to review the basics of the
ridge vent.
Use the right type of attic vent for the right project and roofing contractors can expect efficient performance and energy savings from the attic ventilation system. But sometimes roofing professionals become frustrated because they’re stuck in one of the following traps they’d be wiser to avoid.
Every winter the threat of ice dams rears its ugly head. Ice dams hide potential problems that are unknown to most homeowners and often present an opportunity for roofing contractors to educate homeowners about the dangers that lie beneath the glistening icicles.