A Tennessee contractor faces more than $122,000 in violations after a 16-year-old boy in their employ doing roof construction fell to his death in June 2020.
After multiple on-site investigations, OSHA cited the companies for exposing workers to falls and other dangerous safety hazards while erecting walls and sheathing roofs.
According to a safety study, providing more safety interventions produces a sense of invulnerability, leading roofers to take more risks and become less safe overall.
The roofing contractor's latest violation of Oregon OSHA’s 6-foot trigger-height requirement was the seventh such violation committed by the company since May 2018.
A recent rash of OSHA investigations and issued penalties should serve as a warning to roofing contractors to step up safety precautions while on the job.
According to OSHA, this roofing contractor attempted to cover up that they weren't using fall protection after a 14-year-old boy working on the roof fell 20 feet.