4 Tips for Roofing Contractors to Develop a Winning Sales Presentation

In the December 2018 issue of Roofing Contractor, RC guest columnist Chuck Thokey explored the evolution of creating a sales presentation that can help roofing contractors win the job. In addition to the great information laid out in the column, the sales guru shared the following quick tips when putting together your presentation.
Do what your competitors aren’t willing to do.
Most sales reps would rather get to the point and get out. Not surprising, 60 percent of today’s sales reps would rather spend more time closing than educating and helping the customer make a decision.
What do you offer that your competitors don’t?
Your “ability” to do the project better or telling the prospect that your customer service is better means nothing unless it comes from a third party that the prospect trusts. Prospects are really looking for products you provide that others don’t or problems you have solved that they will suffer from by going with another company.
Know the material.
Make sure your sales teams knows the company presentation to the point they can’t get it wrong. This will make it very easy for them to make it more of a conversation than being on stage with an audience of two.
Brief is better.
Don’t make it too long. Your presentation should be 30 minutes max depending on the questions from the customer.