Technology is playing an increasingly important role in roofing, opening the doors for a new generation of roofers to enter the industry thanks to the appeal of advancements in drones and artificial technology making it easier than ever.

Customer expectations are growing alongside these advancements. A report from digital and marketing technology solutions firm Scorpion shows that, with the advancement of technology like generative AI, consumers expect businesses to give same-day responses and transparency in pricing.

Contractors who aren’t adapting might run the risk of being left behind. That’s why Roofing Contractor is putting the knowledge you need straight into your hands with our annual Technology Special Section.

Technology is impacting the roofing industry in so many different ways, but the one that sticks out to me the most is that it is creating more opportunities. The introduction of technology creates opportunities and opens the doors to attract talented individuals to the roofing industry,” said Zach Carpenter, senior account executive at JOBBA Trade Technologies. “We are an industry in transition, for sure.”

Whether it is discovering the next piece of software or tech that will streamline your operations, boosting your cybersecurity, or showing what tech-savvy contractors are doing to flourish in today’s digital world, RC is here to help you succeed.

Check out the links below to view our tech-focused content: