In an economy that demands more and pays less, you need to keep an eye out for anything and everything that will make your business run more smoothly and save a buck. Roofing material and equipment manufacturers continue to roll out new offerings, and you need to pay attention to these, in spite of the economy.
The holiday season is a joyous time of year, or so we’re incessantly told. Yet, it’s well documented that suicides reach a peak during the month of December, as do bouts of depression. Emotions get a vigorous workout amid so much contrived conviviality.
Now I’m not a lawyer or human resources manager, but as a management consultant I have helped fire a fair share of employees. For years, many companies have let a blazing economy and shortage of people hold them hostage.
Do you think your market is different? Are you convinced that those fly-by-night competitors are the main reason your margins get dragged down? Based on the facts from 22 cities across the country, I’ll bet you a buck it ain’t so.
The predominant labor activities in which most roofers injure their lower backs involve lifting dead loads, twisting during transition and overreaching. It’s simply unreasonable to believe we can eliminate these motions during most roofing operations. It’s just the nature of the beast.
While many consider severance agreements to be the domain of senior executives and white-collar workers, in fact they are increasingly becoming standard operating procedure in many industries, including the trades, when discharging employees of any type.
Hang around roofing contractors long enough and eventually you will come to understand the value in education. Education never really goes out of fashion in the roofing business. Today’s roofing contractors are faced with a mountain of educational needs.
My clients often engage my services to write copy for their brochures and Web sites. Most contractors believe they are promising a customer-driven experience. This was the case with one client who I had to challenge on that belief. I noted that the webspeak of his Internet site told a very different story. “Webspeak” is the language and implied message of your Web site.
Even without a recession, running a business can be an endless battle and constant firefight. I wish I had a crystal ball and could tell you everything is going to be OK. Unfortunately, no one can predict the future. I do know that groaning and moaning about the economy is not going to help you.
All of us have watched as the government has budgeted over $2 trillion to banks, insurance companies, federal and state governments, and struggling auto manufactures. Ever wonder where all this money is going or coming from? Of course, we will never see any “bailout” money gifted to support our small businesses, which drive job creation and pay the taxes to support the overall government and the economy. So what are small business owners to do?