Let’s face it - few things are the way they used to be. In the current economy with millions of people searching for work, you’d think finding qualified candidates would be a snap.
During a recent seminar in Toronto, I asked the group if anyone could tell me how they define “marketing.” I received an answer that was unlike any I’ve ever heard before. One of the participants said, “Marketing is making sure all of your employees know your company story and how they add value to the message.”
For most roofing contractors one of their largest and perhaps most frustrating expenses is workers’ compensation insurance. Roofing contractors pay more for workers’ comp than nearly any other contractor and as a result learning how to control that cost is essential to running a successful roofing business. The key to controlling your workers’ comp cost is controlling your experience modification factor.
Your vehicles are the backbone that keeps your
business up and running. So when it comes to insurance for those vehicles, make
sure that you’re covered by an insurance company that fits your business needs
- because the last thing you want when you have a claim is to find out you have
insufficient coverage.
I wrote this article to help roofing contractors
understand and use some basic marketing activities and some unique customer insights
to successfully grow their businesses.
I have been asked so many times why Hispanics don’t learn or want to learn English, that I just smile and jokingly answer back with, "¿Qué?, no comprendo inglés." That means, "What, I don’t understand English?" Well, this gets their attention real fast and hopefully yours.